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Catharina Ansfrieda Francisca Maria Bruijnzeel-Koomen In 1991 Catharina Ansfrieda Francisca Maria Bruijnzeel-Koomen (1954) succeeded Young as professor in dermato-allergology, having returned to Utrecht after a 3-year stay in Davos at the Swiss Institute of Asthma and Allergy Research. That same year, the department decided to restrict its research to two main topics: allergy and photodermatology including photocar- cinogenesis. These were incorporated into the mainstream of research in the medical faculty as well as the university hospital. The staff was successful in attracting external grants, notably for allergy (atopic eczema) and physics (genotoxic and immunosuppressive effects of UV light). In 2001 Van Vloten was succeeded by Bruijnzeel-Koomen. Again the department was hit by a round of financial constraints, which led De Gruijl to leave for Leiden, where he could continue his work on photobiology. The department’s research focused on eczema and food allergy. A fruitful collaboration on food allergy was started with TNO Quality of Life in Zeist, the department of pharmaceutical sciences and the veterinary faculty: the Utrecht Center for Food Allergy. In the meantime, the department was able to attract funding, while young researchers working on both adult and child 69 Dermatology Department Staff, Utrecht 1983. From left to right, front row: Jan van der Leun, Edward Young, Fré de Maat-Bleeker and Harold Baart de la Faille; Back row: Frederik de Wit, Willem Koers, Annelies van Bronswijk, Rob Roberti, Ben Martens, Huib van Weelden, Carla Bruijnzeel-Koomen and Johan Toonstra. BWEADVSMGFINCORR:Opmaak 1 21-07-2014 17:40 Pagina 69

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