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Maximiliaan Ruiter In 1947 Maximiliaan Ruiter (1900-1974), Zurhelle’s assistant, was appointed professor and chair, a position he held for 22 years until 1969. He had been born in Nijmegen and grew up in Harlingen, Friesland. He was known as a private man, who made a shy impression. He felt best in the quiet surroundings of his office and laboratory. To those who knew him better and had gained his trust, he was warm and humorous. His interests were broad and included art, history and music. In 1932 his thesis on pyodermas was awarded cum laude. As a dermatologist, he was able to collaborate with basic scientists. His scientific advancements are described elsewhere. In 1960, the NVDV honoured him as the first recipient of the golden Mendes da Costa medal, which is awarded once every five years for outstanding dermatological research carried out in the Netherlands. Ruiter used the Bucky-ray apparatus for skin diseases, dark-field microscope for diagnosis and electron microscope for research. In 1965 the Dermatology department was housed in a new three-storey building with 50 beds, three polyclinics, and diagnostic and research laboratories. Arnoud Hendrik Klokke The new professor, Arnoud Hendrik Klokke (1920), became installed in 1971. Klokke had trained in Rotterdam under Prof. Dr. E.H. Hermans, and from there brought along with him Johan Nater and Henk Doeglas, as well as two basic scientists Eric Bleumink and Marcelus de Jong. Klokke’s heart lay in Indonesia where he gained experience in leprosy, framboesia, and fungal infec- tions. He expanded tropical dermatology, medical mycology and histopathology in the Groningen clinic. The 80s were prodigious years in the dermatological clinic, and a successor was not easily found after Klokke’s retirement in 1984. Johannes Pieter Nater In 1986 Johannes Pieter Nater (1927-2001) was appointed as professor for four years by the university board. Nater established a center for occupational dermatology in Groningen with a dynamic allergic contact dermatitis unit. From his stable came dermatologists such as Henk van der Walle, Pieter-Jan Coenraads, Derk Bruynzeel, Anton de Groot and Pieter Van der Valk, who all became experts in contact dermatitis. During this period, Nater, and the head of the out-patient department Pieter van Voorst Vader, taught the basics of dermatology and venereology to innumerable students and residents. 51 BWEADVSMGFINCORR:Opmaak 1 21-07-2014 17:40 Pagina 51

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