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Scientific contributions from non academic centers Jannes van Everdingen with contributions by Jurr Boer, Robert J. Damstra, Anton C. de Groot, Ronald H. Houwing, Gertruud A. Krekels, Henk E. Menke, Bernard Naafs, Frans H.J. Rampen, Han J. van der Rhee and Kees-Peter de Roos Knowledge production is not a prerogative of universities. Dermatology research is generally carried out in academic centers, but there are some dermatologists doing scientific investigations outside of universities. Their work may be an extension of the research that they started during their initial training, but it may also be related to experiences gained and observations arrived at whilst working outside the academic world. This could result in interesting complementary scientific knowledge, which could be an endpoint in itself, but could also generate new and exciting directions to academic research. In this chapter a number of contributions are presented, highlighting the issue of “scientific contributions from non academic centers”. Research on hidradenitis suppurativa Jurr Boer Jurr Boer (1948) had studied medicine in Groningen and was trained as a dermatologist at the University of Leiden by Polano and Suurmond. He success- fully expanded Suurmond’s research line and pioneered with broadband UVB phototherapy in patients with psoriasis. He investigated, for instance, the Dead Sea circumstances in a hospital setting for his PhD thesis in 1982. In 1983 he became a dermatologist at the Deventer Hospital, Deventer, where in the beginning he continued psoriasis research, such as studying the effect of (traumatic) nerve cutting on psoriasis plaques.[1] His interest for hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) was first sparked in the mid-1980s.[2,3] At that time, despite its common occurrence among patients and the extreme discomfort it caused, interest in HS was scarce. It was not until the mid-2000s that interest in HS increased as a result of the introduction of biologicals.[4,5] In the early 80s, it was hypothesized that HS could be a form of acne (acne triad and tetrad) and the name acne inversa (AI) was introduced.[6] At the same time, isotretinoin became the reference drug for the treatment of acne (conglobata). As with acne, isotretinoin was a mainstay of treatment for HS 153 11 BWEADVSMGFINCORR:Opmaak 1 21-07-2014 17:41 Pagina 153

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