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References 1. Porter R. The greatest benefit to mankind; a medical history of humanity from antiquity to the present. Chapter X. Fontana Press, London, 1999. p.246. 2. Herman Boerhaave. Academical Lectures on the Lues Venerea. trans. Jonathan Wathen, London: J. Rivington, 1763: 32-7. 3. Takahashi F. Acceptance of van Swieten’s liquor in Japan. Nihon Ishiqaku Zasshi. 2002; 48: 575-95. (article in Japanese; summary in English). 4. Schierbeek A. (ed) Measuring the Invisible World:The Life and Works of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. Abelard-Schuman. London; 1959. 5. Houtzager HL. Reinier De Graaf and his contribution to reproductive biology. Eur J Obstet Gynecol 2000; 90: 125-7. 6. Meijer MC. Petrus Camper on the origin and color of blacks. Newsl. Hist. Anthropol. 1997;24: 3-9. 7. Drognat Landré JL. De la contagion, seule cause de la propagation de la lépre. Baillière. Paris; 1869. 8. Lie HP. Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen. Naturen, 1912; 36: 65–8. 15 Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome diagnosed in George Albes, a Spanish sailor famed for being able to stretch the skin of his chest out to arm's length. Albes was presented by the Dutch surgeon Job van Meekeren to a group of senior physicians at the Academy of Leiden in 1657. BWEADVSMGFINCORR:Opmaak 1 21-07-2014 17:39 Pagina 15

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