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Menno Alexander de Rie While Menno Alexander de Rie (1956) was working on his PhD thesis in immunology at the Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (CLB, currently Sanquin), Rudi Cormane suggested him to study immunodermatology and offered him a position as a resident. De Rie finished his PhD thesis entitled “Studies on in-vitro activation of human B cells” in 1988 and started his training in dermatology in 1989 at the AMC’s department of dermatology, under the supervision of Jan Bos. After his training, De Rie stayed on as a staff member at the AMC and later became senior director for translational medicine with Novartis in Basel, Switzerland. In 2011 he was appointed Professor of Dermatology at the University of Amsterdam. Since January 2012 the dermatology departments of the University of Amsterdam and the Free University Medical Center in Amsterdam have been merged. The oldest dermatology clinic in the Netherlands has evolved over the course of nearly 130 years from a clinically-oriented unit into a modern department with a small inpatient clinic, a busy outpatient clinic, a day care center, and a research laboratory. In addition to Cormane’s insistent focus on a more medical-biological approach (“biomedicine”) towards the wide variety of dermatological diseases, attention was also paid to clinical epidemiological aspects of the discipline. The strong emphasis on clinical experience (“experience-based medicine”) in determining diagnostic and therapeutic policy has become increasingly criticized in all medical specialisms, by the government and insurance companies especially. The development of good scientific research methods to strengthen the application of therapeutic modalities should provide a better policy in future towards treatment choices for dermatological and venereological diseases. References 1. Cormane RH. Bound Globulin in the skin of patients with chronic lupus erythematosus en systemic lupus erythematosus. Lancet 1964; 1: 534-5. 2. Kalsbeek GL, Cormane RH. Bound Complement in the skin of patients with chronic discoid lupus erythematosus and systemic lupus erythematosus. Lancet 1964; 2: 178-80. 32 BWEADVSMGFINCORR:Opmaak 1 21-07-2014 17:39 Pagina 32

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