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throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Consequently, it was a rationale step during the 80s to begin a case series with isotretinoin therapy of HS patients.[2,5] In a trial involving 68 patients over a period of almost 9 years, it was found that only 17 percent improved through oral isotretinoin, while the therapeutic benefit mostly occurred in milder forms of HS. This was in marked contrast with the highly successful use of isotretinoin in the treatment of acne. Today, it’s widely accepted that isotretinoin can no longer be recommended as a primary therapy for HS. Besides the therapeutic consequences of the study, these case series also indicated that the analogy between acne and HS is limited, at least in therapy.[2,7] This was underlined by a subsequent indirect proof, i.e. that acitretin, another retinoid, seems to be an effective treatment for HS.[5,8] There are strong arguments, therefore, that the term ‘acne inversa’ is a misnomer. Although HS is similarly regarded as something of a misnomer, most experts continue to use the term at the current time. Later, Boer extended his research on HS and co-supervising of PhD students in cooperation with Errol Prens, Erasmusmc, Rotterdam and Gregor Jemec, Roskilde Hospital, Denmark.[4,9,10] Jurr Boer has been founding member of the European Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation in 2012. References 1. Farber EM, Lanigan SW, Boer J. The role of cutaneous sensory nerves in the maintenace of psoriasis. Int J Dermatol 1990; 29: 418-20. 2. Boer J, Gemert van MJP. Long-term results of isotretinoin in the treatment of 68 patients with hidradenitis suppurativa. J Am Acad Dermatol 1999; 40: 73-6. 3. Boer J, Weltevreden EF. Hidradenitis suppurativa or acne inversa. A clinicopatholological study early lesions. Br J Dermatol 1996; 135: 721-5. 4. Zee HH van der. Hidradenitis suppurativa. Pathogenesis & treatment. Thesis. Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 2011. 5. Boer J. Oral retinoids for hidradenitis suppurativa. In: Jemec GBE, Revuz J, Leyden J (eds): Hidradenitis suppurativa. Heidelberg, Springer, 2006, pp 128-34. 6. Plewig G, Steger M. Acne inversa (alias acne triad, acne tetrad or hidradenitis suppurativa). In: Acne and related disorders (MarksR, Plewig G,eds) London: Martin Dunitz. 1989; 345-57. 7. Jemec GBE. Long-term results of isotretinoin in the treatment of 68 patients with hidradenitis suppurativa (Letter). J Am Acad Dermatol 1999; 41: 658. 8. Boer J, Nazary M. Long-term results of acitretin therapy for hidradenitis suppurativa. Is acne inversa also a misnomer ? Br J Dermatol 2011; 164: 170-5. 9. Baerveldt EM. Psoriasis: Molecular targets of denervation and therapy. Thesis. Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2013. 10. Onderdijk AJ, Zee van der HH, Esman S et al. Depression in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa. JEADV 2013; 27: 473-8. 154 Hidradenitis suppurativa of left axilla. BWEADVSMGFINCORR:Opmaak 1 21-07-2014 17:41 Pagina 154

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