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EADV boek Menke binnenwerk

Jan Bareld van der Meer In 1992 Jan Bareld van der Meer (1936-2003) started as the new head of department. He was trained by Prof. Jansen from Utrecht, where he discovered in 1969 granular IgA depositions in the skin of dermatitis herpetiformis. Van der Meer’s expertise was in immunology. He introduced the ‘Grande dermatologie’ in Groningen and started treating toxic epidermal necrolysis and Fournier’s gangrene with dexamethason pulse therapy. In 2001 he was succeeded for two years by Prof. Dr. Pieter Jan Coenraads, a student of Nater, who had developed an expertise center for occupational dermatology and eczemas. Marcelinus Franciscus Jonkman In 2003 Marcelinus Franciscus Jonkman (1957) was appointed. Before he was trained as dermatologist by Nater and Van der Meer, he had produced a thesis on wound healing and artificial skin in 1989 at the Department of Medical Electron Microscopy. Intrigued by the regeneration of the basement membrane, and invited by the immunofluorescence microscopist Marcelus De Jong, he moved into bullous diseases while collaborating with biochemist Hendri H. Pas. In 1997 he founded the Expertise Center for Blistering Diseases in Groningen. The center attracted many patients with epidermolysis bullosa, pemphigus and other bullous diseases from the Netherlands, for which a large multidisciplinary team was available. Science flourished and the quality and number of disserta- tions increased. In 2006 he was honoured for his research with the Mendes da Costa medal. Jonkman was also engaged in developing dermatological training since more structured training programmes were required by new Dutch laws. In 2009, he restructured Dutch resident dermatology courses. Today, the Groningen residents enjoy an additional 12 months’ training in large hospitals in Leeuwarden, Zwolle and Groningen. Jonkman joined the ILDS (International League of Dermatlogical Societies) Dermatological Nomenclature working group and the board of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV). References 1. Jonkman MF, Verhoef P. Vallen en Opstaan. 100 jaar leerstoel Dermatologie Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen (1913-2013) Rotterdam: Erasmus Publishing; 2013: 1-146. [Dutch] Available at: 52 BWEADVSMGFINCORR:Opmaak 1 21-07-2014 17:40 Pagina 52

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