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References 1. Groot AC de, Beverdam EGA, Tjong Ayong C, et al. The role of contact allergy in the spectrum of adverse effects caused by cosmetics and toiletries. Contact Dermatitis 1988; 19: 195-201. 2. Groot AC de. Contact allergy to cosmetics: causative ingredients. Contact Dermatitis 1987; 17: 26-34. 3. Groot AC de, Bruijnzeel DP, Bos JD, et al. The allergens in cosmetics. Arch Dermatol 1988; 124: 1525-9. 4. Groot AC de, Herxheimer A. Isothiazolinone preservative: cause of a continuing epidemic of cosmetic dermatitis. The Lancet 1989; i: 314-6. 5. Groot AC de. Labelling cosmetics with their ingredients. Br Med J 1990; 300: 1636-8. 6. Groot AC de, de Cock PAJJM, Coenraads PJ, et al. Methyldibromoglutaronitrile is an important contact allergen in the Netherlands. Contact Dermatitis 1996; 34: 118-20. 7. Groot AC de. Patch Testing. Test concentrations and vehicles for 4350 chemicals, 3rd Edition. Wapserveen: acdegroot publishing, 2008. ISBN 978-90-813233-1-4. Disease Management of Non melanoma Skin Cancer Gertruud A. Krekels Gertruud Krekels (1965) was trained as a dermatologist in Maastricht. In Athens in 1996, she received the European Award on Photodermatology. Two years later, she received a PhD in Maastricht on Basal cell carcinoma and Mohs surgery. In 2000, as both dermatologist and one of the first Mohs surgeons in the Netherlands, she successfully applied for a grant from the Dutch Fund for Investigative Medicine (In Dutch: ZonMw Doelmatigheidsonderzoek) to perform a randomised controlled trial: Mohs Micrographic surgery versus conventional surgery for facial basal cell carcinoma, a study on the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of Mohs surgery. This randomised controlled trial was conducted under her authorship and supervision and resulted in 5 PhD theses and multiple publications.[1-3] In 2004 she founded a Skin Cancer Center as well as a center for training dermatologists and Mohs surgeons in the Catharina Hospital Eindhoven. After another two years, she became President of the European Society for Micrographic Surgery. She was also involved in all Dutch Skin Cancer Guidelines. Krekels then started a collaboration with the University of Technology Eindhoven. The term Chronic Skin Cancer was introduced and Disease Management Models were designed.[4-8] More recently, the research focus has shifted to business process redesign in healthcare. Previously, non melanoma skin cancer had been considered a relatively mild healthcare problem because of the low mortality rate. However, the morbidity, the burden on the healthcare system and the ever-growing financial implications of a true skin cancer epidemic, resulted in an increasing sense of urgency about how to manage this “new” chronic disease. Krekels is one of the founders of Mohs Academy (MOHSA) expert cancer centers (Eindhoven/Venray). 158 BWEADVSMGFINCORR:Opmaak 1 21-07-2014 17:41 Pagina 158

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