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Winter & Spring FitnessX Magaziine

76. • Summer/Fall 2013 Just Say . . .YES!by Nikki Utley P eople see me and think I am a ray of light. I laugh loud, smile a lot, shout to the world I’m hot, wave my poms poms for those who need a good cheer, grace the stage in bikini without any fear, hug a friend when she can’t hold back the tears…but there is an inner battle going on inside of me that people can’t see. I nearly lost the battle 5 years ago. Even though I had a great career, dressed really well, drove a nice car and looked like I was a happy, successful woman…deep down I did not like me. There were voices in my head declaring I wasn’t good enough. "See, you didn’t get the job to work for The Oprah Show", " didn’t get that raise", "’re always going to be broke", " ain’t never going to have kids", " can’t keep a man". I believed these voices to be true, especially when it came to men, because all my relationships with men were 'dead ends'. I dated guys who had no real interest in getting to know me beyond the parameters of my bed. Yet, I still wanted them to love me anyway. My failed relationships with men sunk my already low self-esteem. The more my spirit sank, the more I tried to deceive the world with my out- ward appearance. Fake smile, fake make-up, fake hair and nails, fake clothes, fake car. Everything about me was fake. If anyone tried to pry into my life, I would shut them down. I hid from the world so no one would know what was really going on with me. I didn’t want to talk to friends and if I did I was distant. I isolated myself in my apartment after work. I never went out. I stayed home and ate and ate crappy food to medicate. I gained 15 pounds and was on my way to getting fatter. But on the outside, people saw me as this positive, upbeat woman who was just getting a little thick, no biggie. But behind my pretty smile, there was an ugly frown. Even though I wasn't considered overweight, I still had the mindset of an obese female who just gave up on herself. I felt like I was drowning in darkness. I called this darkness “the monster”. It’s the same mon- ster that I thought hid in my bedroom closet back when I was eight. My mom always assured me the monster wasn’t real. But I saw it. While I was frozen under the covers, I saw my monster. It was a midnight blue beast, stood on two legs with dragon wings on it’s back. It had large scaly claws and green eyes that glowed. DOSE OF INSPIRATION

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