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Winter & Spring FitnessX Magaziine

38. • Summer/Fall 2013 This is a compound movement that targets the whole shoulder, and also uses the smaller muscles around the shoulder joint for stability. • (A) Hold your dumbbells directly in front of your shoulders. Make sure your palms are facing you. • (B) Press dumbbells up and over your head. Turn your wrists at the same time so that your palms face away from your body at the top. •(C) Reverse the movement back to starting position. BA • Stand with feet shoulder width apart and soft knees, holding a plate or dumbbell in each hand. • (A) Keep abs tight and back flat, and bend at the waist until your upper body is close to parallel with the floor. • (B) Keeping the back of your hands facing up and elbows slightly bent, slowly raise both dumbbells towards the ceiling until they reach shoulder height, then lower. Perform 3 supersets of 15 Seated Arnold Presses, then 15 Dumbbell Rear Raises (Rest 1 minute between each set) A B EXERCISE This is an isolation movement that heavily targets the posterior deltoid muscle. 1 Seated Arnold Press Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise T oned and sculpted shoulders top the list of the many benefits you will receive from doing the right women’s shoulder exercises. An- other advantage is that developed shoulders automatically make your hips and waist look smaller. Besides helping you maintain good pos- ture, it also allows you to wear a more extensive variety of clothes; and look much better in them. Many women want to work on their shoulders, but clueless in what exercises to perform. Shoulder muscles are primarily compromised of the front, rear, and side deltoids. To shape them effec- tively, you need to work all 3 parts evenly using a variety of equipment. Supersetting is an excellent way to achieve the look you want! Shoulder Supersets PhotosbyKounelliPhotography-MannyZervos Fitness Model: Jacquii Alexander C FRONT, SIDE, & REAR DELT SUPERSET: Arnold Press & Rear Delt Raise

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