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Winter & Spring FitnessX Magaziine

F or most of my life, I was that very sedentary, lazy, typical person who was just sat back coasting through life, wondering where I was going to end up. All of my friends and family were in better shape than me and I had never been happy with myself. It had become ap- parent to me that I was consid- ered in the“fat”range early in my life while being made fun of at school from as early as I can remember, right up through college. I was made fun of almost daily on the bus rides to school, by random people passing by me in the hallways. In the classroom I was embarrassed whenever the discussion turned into health and nutrition, thinking that everyone was looking and relating all this information to me. These feelings lasted with me even up through college I was embarrassed about how I looked. I felt like I wasn’t worth anyone’s time or even space because I felt unattractive. 22. • Summer/Fall 2013 by Lydia Michalitsianos TRANSFORMATION My Journey from Sedentary to the Stage From Overweight to ATHLETE: Before AFTER

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