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Winter & Spring FitnessX Magaziine

Summer/Fall 2013 • 49. BEGINNER Setup: Lie on your back with knees bent, feet on the floor and arms long and just above your abdominal floor. Your head and shoulders can be lifted or down. (See above in the pink font for the movement.) INTERMEDIATE Setup: Lie on your back with feet off the floor and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Keep your arms long and just above your abdominal floor, your head and shoulders should be curled off the floor using your abdominal muscles to support the head. Feel a fold just under the chest and flatten the tummy. Make sure to keep the spine in a flat or neutral po- sition, keeping the mid ribcage or shoulder blades connected to your mat. ADVANCED Setup: Lying on your back with both legs extended out somewhere between a 90-degree and a 45-degree angle to the floor. Caution: The farther you lower your legs the harder your abs have to work to keep the spine in neutral, meaning the ribs do not pull off the mat or you will have a pain in the back! If you feel a pull in your back and cannot keep your ribs connected to your mat then raise your legs higher to the sky until you feel your tummy flatten and your back stable. (See above in highlighted area for the movement.) Movement: Pulse your arms up and down at your side energeti- cally keeping time to the 5-count breath in and the 5-count breath out. Keep your head and torso still and unmoving as you pulse your arms like pressing a pile of sand on either side of your hips. Keep flat- tening the abdominals. Do 100 pulses. Movement: Lift your shoulders and head to the ceiling with your chin pointing towards the ceiling and not tucking your chin to your chest. Make sure not to pull with your hands. Hold for 2 to 3 seconds and then slowly return to the beginning position. Do 15-20 reps. BEGINNER Setup: Lie on your back feet on the floor and arms crossed in front of your chest. Movement: (See above in the pink font for the movement.) Hold for one second and then slowly return to the beginning position. Do 10-15 reps. INTERMEDIATE Setup: Lie on your back with feet off the floor and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Place your arms behind your head with your fingers behind your ears. ADVANCED Setup:(Same as Intermediate.) Movement: (See above in the pink font for the movement.) Hold for one second and then slowly return to the beginning position. Do 20-25 reps. 1 The Hundred>>> EXERCISE 2 Crunches>>>

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