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Winter & Spring FitnessX Magaziine

My passion is the gym, eating right, and helping or advising people in anyway possible. I feel so blessed to be doing what I love everyday and living this healthy lifestyle. My fitness journey began October 2011 when I joined a team of amazing women that had the same hopes and goals to compete in the NPC as I did. I learned how to transform my body and feed it properly. In my first show, I won 1st in my bikini class, at the“Iron Man Magazine” in January 2012. I was hooked and competed in a couple more shows after that. That same year, I earned my BFA in Graphic Design and ISSA personal training certificate. Also, I married my supporter, best friend, and workout partner. I am currently training to step on that stage again in October and not stopping till my dreams come true. I do online training, competition prep, and also work as a design director at ISSA. I love designing national advertisements for the top leading fitness magazines and feature my fellow competitors on stage and fellow ISSA trainers. I’m creating my life and enjoy every part of it - Always moving forward, never look back cause you’re not going that way anyways. CRYSTALRENEENPC Competitor,Graphic Designer 60. • Summer/Fall 2013 “ “

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