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Winter & Spring FitnessX Magaziine

54. • Summer/Fall 2013 Favorite Vacation spot: Thailand What she has in her cooler: Turkey meatballs, protein pancakes, fresh vegetables, fruit, homemade shakes and nuts. Fitness Pet Peeve: Guys that grunt and growl at the gym and slam their weights down. It’s so awkward! Cure for cravings: 1 tsp. all natural peanut butter and water or hot tea with lemon. Favorite healthy food: Oatmeal and Thai Red chili peppers (but not together!) Favorite“Treat”Meal: Pizza and any kind of cheese or chocolate. I love red wine too! Favorite show: Anything on the cooking network. First Recipe ever made: Play dough and I ate it too! My goal is to inspire you to become more creative in your own kitchen on your way to get your own best bikini body. Making healthy food delicious is my passion and I’ve developed hundreds of recipes that are full of über healthy ingredients, flavorful spices, and will have you looking your best in no time. Fun Facts COVER STORY “ “

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