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59 Rùt Pigeon eye girl ribbon pie eye pearl string little smokes twist through town rains but around town clowns and dogs and birds and kids all gravitate to me well well one legged priest dance wife letter tomcat cry me a river bombshell and wildebeast and watchdoggy somebody croaked and quacked and cackled spring rose and a saline tear left me anticipating ocean delivery and the blood of the girl is hot watery and a mystic word remains bat sucks fine moon veins cherrylicious juice wrapped in a shawl a granny shawl to be sure these days kids get all the candy they want lo see-through fingers weave they wrap around tiny earth giraffe-like they eat flowers like guzzlingers they follow the french curves of the pollen of map queens in Katya’s curlycue hair goosebugs and bumps sit hunched dancers stand in red belts admiring both elephant and Katya iris eye potato baby end of story blue-eyed rose oo-ee girl sailorific sleep in spring springtime giving everything by Viktor Ivaniv translated by Sarah Dowling, Kevin M. F. Platt, Bob Perelman and Kit Robinson
