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37 Was Noted February 10, 1867. Patient dead. Autopsy performed. SUMMARY: September 17, 1913. Dr. D. J. Murphy. AH The finotes on th November 22, 1901. Thnote was made by Dr. Logie and stated that the patient was suffering from ter-minal dementia and that he was quiet and orderly and tractable; tsat about e was n every way comfortable. This April 10, 1906 when was noted that he was in rather a feeble physicl condition due to his advanced age. At that time he showed profound de- mentia; was unable to give any information about himself, the state ofy paralyzed; did not know where he was o July 17, 1906 it was noted that he suffered from a mild attack of pa‫س‬lysis agitans and showed the typical gait of thsease. Otherwise his physical condition was good. A note in November, 1907 showed the patient to be up and about the ward daily; his memory was a blank and he was completely disoriented. He would stand around by himself and would never have muc at alo dwas noticed that he was becoming feeble. His appetite was good and he slept well. He was tidy in appearance and habits. Patient continued in this way April, 1911 when it was noticed that he would not answer questions; would sit around with his eyes his surroundings. When asked when he was born stated “Januafor hisaid February 8, 1913 the patient was vaccinated by Dr. Davidian. The examination on March 5th, 1913: Spell your name. “Can’t spell. He does not know his first name. Age? “I don’t know, a hundred or twenty-five.” Date of entrance to this hospl you.” He was unable to give the n was noted t -Kathleen Brian
