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158 Inside the Construction : City to Country Inside a car, sun-clenched thought you take back. I untends you. Rain in the nearer. Ruins rinse, and it pleases, though you do regret leaving skybones’ scraping drone : This is real. Solace or tremble unfolds. River white tusking unbraids the thick word awash. We follow like the edge of bread. Laziness hums wet tire rub and forgets. Rituals I watch you seat strangely and I want them. Lipstick smears the sunset’s rearview. Yawn of grass and fern. Dripping leaves needle maple distances. The odometer we deny looking would admit the fear of open spaces. You are flushed out to believe you won’t fall from here. Reeds flee. All slips your leaps cling mud cliffs so wet the hillside’s on its knees.
