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7 fencing duel must, for practical purposes, stay a man. The other slob must give in to the female persuasion, absorb all the sperm and have some babies. That’s deep cover— and without a head to tail, we must rely on enemies to stay enemies while knowing friends change quick. Still, we catch messages sent from London to the Resistance on the radio—it seems this mirror serves as glass. Shoes deposit hair from a vehicle to another location. We know to use contrepèterie: so shall we? For our purposes, the “authentic work of Rrose Selavy” provides clusters over time and scale so that conscious humans experience only information, hence material, the forgery that mocks the art. Can he forge this authentically? Duchamp wanted a Jewish name for Rrose Selavy but couldn’t find a pun-able one; decided to change sex instead (“J’ai voulu changer d’identité et la première idée qui m’est venue c’est de prendre un nom juif. Je n’ai pas trouvé de nom juif qui me plaise ou qui me tente, et tout d’un coup j’ai eu une idée: pourquoi ne pas changer de sexe ! Alors de là est venu le nom de Rose Sélavy. [...] Je trouvais très curieux de commencer un mot par une consonne double, comme les L dans LLoyd.”) Double consonants: wasted energy to harness (chicken feed.) The sea hare, though a form of snail, has no shell, but male genitals in front and female behind. The Queen is a combination of a Rook and a Bishop. Our target uses
