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48 Clarity can offer digestible tracts. Connection between passages is not categorical because the content lacks both communication and chronology. If all events congeal into a constructed time span then clarity is a necessity. If events melt and mold into a speculative time span, thought, or space then clarity is sought after in its own perceptual construction. Citation is handiness. What thou lovest well is thy true heritage The choice is the visitor’s and how the visitor entertains prospects of understanding, approach, and futurity: actor lifts skull at upper-arm length hovering slightly above the seated audience’s forehead brow; the hold is continual. However it sounds against definition, however, against how it feels. It’s a wise choice. A path contains, furrowing pressure, hourly schedules then the day is over. This is liberating somehow. A visitor is not liberated. Calamity is a more attention-prone approach. This is an extinguishable approach. Air pollution sifts into the apartment complex settling in the side stairwell’s valley-like positioning. Prescription data entry as social existence is an obvious progression in participatory global-centering and categorization for the military-industrial complex, as well as its other existing states, such as the military industrial media complex or the prison-industrial complex. Hyperimperialism is possible through the unification of competitive supremacy. An italicized section is important. An italicized section is controversial. Cohesion in tested word processes is false. No printed method appends configuration. A singular existence in the midst of mass-centered communication is potentially absorbent. A life installed into
