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211 From Ruth’s Book Cervical cancer, 39, 14 married years. The point is not to question loyalty. Ruth’s doctor: breast cancer in Anglos and Latinas get cervical cancer. why? Because. Anglos smoke more and Latinas tend to have sex earlier with multiple sexual partners. so this is why I got cervical cancer. Yes, he said. he said yes. -Sheila McMullin contemplating flower petals emmis is truth I was treated with the sunlight uniting spaceship earth fucking derelict 80 million stories Aunt Clara in her habit is 105 years old Burns sugar incessantly Chicken skin in her blood Olga, oh olgy olga, there are far too many people in the world to love you and only you. Forever over the hell and call it earth, call it sunshine. God was in the movement and in the helmets. (listen: first doorway then run then cave) one doorway doorway this passage that the gift is equal to God’s hand over your belly over the earth
