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Petite Manifesto 7 See You Later Translator No, I’m not an agitator. It turns out that I’m a mere imitator the lowly kind, which is none other than a translator, a mimicker of mimetic words in particular. Doubled consonants or certain parts of speech that are repeated on certain occasions, which can be said to be nobody’s business, but they are since everything in English is everybody’s business. Farfar swiftswift zealzeal stuffstuff waddlewaddling stickysticky cacklecackled draindrained flowflow yellyell swishswish. I’ve just been instructed to get rid of them by an evaluator, Why double up? No, I’m not a collaborator. I’m actually very frail, frailer than a Thumbelina in the world of everybody’s business. In my world of nobody’s business I twirl about frantically frequently farfar to the point of failure feigning englishenglish. Italics: Kim Hyesoon, All the garbage of the World, Unite!, trans. Don Mee Choi (Notre Dame: Action Books, 2011).
