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48 Participants The Young Researchers lunches”, says Bushra Anjum. Laura Schaposnik adds: “There were different types of laureates, some would come and introduce themselves. They wanted to know about you and to give advice. There were others that one had to ap- proach, but everyone seemed very happy to talk.” Overall the assessment of the laureates engaging with the young researchers was genu- inely positive. Bushra Anjum describes her expe- rience with the laureates as a pleasant surprise: “I was completely taken aback by the way they are approachable: they are very sociable and you can just talk to them, it’s very easy and that was something I did not expect.” However, it was not only the great scientific achievements that impressed and inspired the young researchers. Learn- ing about the working process- es of the laureates turned out to be just as useful. And like everyone else, the laureates’ working process was not even ground to walk on. They faced issues and obsta- cles along the way and needed to learn how to overcome them in order to succeed. Emre Can Sertöz, a Turkish mathematician, who current- ly works at the Humboldt University in Berlin, says: “Seeing that the laureates had the same problems I have gives me the motivation and power to rise above my problems.” For Anthony Peter Young, a PhD candidate from the United Kingdom, this was even the most important aspect of the Heidelberg Laure- ate Forum: ”They experienced all the same problems and told us how they overcame them. Re- motivating yourself is the most important thing I have learned.” Bushra Anjum, PostDoc from Pakistan. “One thing I learned from them: En- joy what you are doing even though you do not know if it’s going to make a lot of impact or not – just make sure you do something good.“ Mary Adedayo

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