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47 Meeting the Laureates: Role Models and Fellow Curious Thinkers While discussing research with fellow young re- searchers is always fruitful, discussing research with the most accomplished scientists often remains utopia. But the HLF raises this chance. However, approaching a Fields Medalist or a winner of the Turing Award at a talk can require courage sometimes. The social events at the HLF encourage all young researchers to engage in a dialogue outside the classrooms and lecture halls. The informal setting makes it easier for the young researchers to approach their scientific role models and ask them questions they might not dare ask in an auditorium with an audience of 250 people. Laura Schaposnik is a PostDoc in mathematicsattheUniversityofIllinoisatUrbana- Champaign:“Imostlyenjoyedthesecoffeebreaks and the receptions and all these situations where one could talk openly with the laureates.” The morning sessions of the HLF included 20 ple- nary lectures. Listening to such a large number of laureates, all in one place, was a great inspira- tion to many of the young researchers. “The vi- sion that these laureates have about the way the field works and the way the field evolves was re- ally powerful to me”, says Gwen Spencer, a com- puter scientist from Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. For her, it was the friendly and congenial atmosphere of the HLF which led to different perspectives on the lau- reates and ultimately a different style of conver- sations: “As a student you can be intimidated by the genius of your professor or the genius of a huge person in your field, but being here the laureates really engage with you just as a fellow curious seeker, a fellow thinker.” The unique character of the HLF is achieved by the combination of outstanding scientific lec- tures with a colorful social program. By this, a dialogue encouraging atmosphere is created. “The thing that I loved the most is how they have interleaved different lectures and workshops with ample opportunity to socialize with those laureates, like coffee breaks and dinners andLaura Schaposnik (left) and Anthony Peter Young (center) with Fields Laureate Vladimir Voevodsky. Welcome | About the Forum | The Participants | Communications | HLF Diary | Résumé

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