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19 Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics The LCI is one of the leading research centers for computer science in the world. Since 1990 it has organized seminars of the highest scien- tific caliber. The LCI fosters world-class informa- tics research by bringing together internationally renowned researchers and promising young sci- entists. Over 3,000 scientists from all over the world attend Dagstuhl events each year. Mathematisches Forschungszentrum Oberwolfach The Mathematische Forschungszentrum in Ober- wolfach (MFO) is a unique infrastructure in the field of mathematics and holds internationally a leading position, since it especially supports scientific research with its excellent facilities, highly qualified workshops and small “Research in Pairs” groups. Welcome | About the Forum | The Participants | Communications | HLF Diary | Résumé

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