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 Members inherit what previous members produce; don’t pass on your problems to others   The “Capstone Way” is permanent and continuous   The “Capstone Way” is human-based    Never take the “Capstone Way” for granted - good times will only last as long as members continue to work at it    F. Members Pass on Tradition and History, Leaving No One Behind  Every company is strengthened by tangible forms of rituals or “Rites of Passage.” Membership in the Capstone Fire Management is given when an individual joins the company but acceptance is earned by completing certain “Rights of Passage.” These “Rights of Passage” are a tradition and an important part of our culture and are a celebration of our accomplishments. They are not intended to be punitive or a form of hazing. Our “Rights of Passage” are designed to determine a member’s ability to fit into the CAPSTONE family, to assess their ability to participate as an effective team member, and to measure their ability to do their job. CAPSTONE “Rights of Passage” include events such as training academies final exercise, academy graduation and the final probationary test. The military phrase “Blue on Blue” indicates a friendly fire accident. While our members are not subjected to friendly fire in the military sense, they may become the victims of rumors or gossip. It is the responsibility of all members to avoid “Blue on Blue” issues as they pertain to the treatment of each other. If necessary, we must be willing to protect and defend what we have built. The Company has in the past, and will continue in the future, to be periodically challenged for a number of reasons. We are most vulnerable when we believe we are not vulnerable. We each have the responsibility to leave this Company better than we found it. We have the responsibility to pass along to future generations the traditions, values, knowledge and determination that have moved our company forward. This is our culture and the keys to our success. They are what makes us proud of our accomplishments, our past and keeps our future bright. CAPSTONE Members should remember:  “Rights of Passage” are tradition-based not punitive   All members are equally important   Members protect, direct, mold, nurture, train the young and the old   Members appreciate the contributions of those who came before them; this is our culture   Members acknowledge our heritage as Fire Stop and work towards a positive   transition to Capstone  CAPSTONE ’s "past" gives members their identity; members should learn from it   CAPSTONE ’s "today" gives members their purpose; members should enjoy it   CAPSTONE ’s "tomorrows" gives members their future; members must plan for it   Members current actions establish CAPSTONE 's future 

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