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At Capstone Fire Management you are not just an employee - you are a member, part of a family and a team. You become a member the day you join the company, in any capacity, the day you start work. We are a family in the sense that we spend a considerable amount of time together and must get along. We are a team in the sense that we must always pull together to get the job done. The “Capstone Way” describes the cultural philosophy of our family and our team. It is intended to communicate to existing and new members the expectations of the way members are treated in the system, expectations for individual behavior and performance, guidelines for leadership, and the general approach that we will all use when interacting with each other. This is the "Capstone Fire Management Way" or The “Capstone Way.” The “Capstone Way” is founded on the fundamental principle that our members are the foundation of this company; therefore, the company can be no better or stronger than its membership. Being a member of Capstone Fire Management is more than a job; it includes a commitment and responsibility to our clients and to the other members of our family and team. This commitment must be backed with individual responsibility and accountability and a commitment to the companies goals and values. The Capstone Way is a product of the relationship between individual members, supervisors, managers, investors and our Board of Directors. It represents the input of all members. It is a dynamic “living” document and will need to be revised periodically. The Capstone Way is our creed: it defines us. The responsibility to learn and practice the “Capstone Way” is yours. We are all members of this family and team by choice. Nobody forced us to apply for our membership, nor does anyone internally force us to remain a member. We are committed to excellence internally and externally. We avoid doing “just good enough to get by,” and avoid actions that are destructive to each other. Our pride in the company and our positive commitment to quality and to each other have made us what we are today and, through constant assessment and change, will sustain us in the future. The Capstone Way

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