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TheRainbowGazette . Issue3 Remember when the main means of mass communication came in simple form? When TV, Radio and Newspapers were the almighty podium for the world’s information? No? …Me neither. Today, media comes in many different shapes and sizes, each with their own formula, across what seems to be an endless amount of platforms. Feeling a bit lost? Well… Dontfret. Recent reports have shown praise to Birmingham’s euntrpenurial spirit, shedding light on an area of the second city, which is providing young designers with an environment to lay their own foundations. Digbeth is home for the West Midlands’ modern day bohemian and houses a disruptive digital agency, which embraces its surroundings. With an already respectable list of clientele, dontfret media host an arsenal of skills and a pool of talented designers. Providing digital support to both corporate and independent brands. Whether you’ve herd of dontfret or not, chances are, you will be familiar with the work they produce. With a close relationship with the Rainbow team dontfret continues to deliver, no matter the scale or medium. a new age of: digital media @dontfretmedia facebook/dontfretmedia words: Nathaniel Hanna From the beloved Ice Cream Van to the rainbow venues’ home on the internet, these guys are responsable for it all. Even the paper your reading now has been lovingly put together by the team.

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