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19 What are the Eucharistic species? When we say Eucharistic species we mean the perceptible characteristics (taste, touch, sight, color, form, weight….) of the bread and wine, and therefore, their physical chemical and nutritional properties. After the Consecration, the bread and wine retain these perceptible characteristics. They are unchanged. However, in their whole substance (their very essence, their deepest and most intimate identity) and only in it, they are no longer bread and wine but the Body and Blood of Christ. When we receive Communion, we notice that the exterior characteristics or forms of the bread and wine remain identical after the consecration. Even their taste, smell, color and size remain unchanged. However, their substance has changed and has become the substance of the Body and Blood of Jesus. We believe this through faith, according to Jesus’ word. In the examples that we see here of Mark and Briciola the dog, the exact opposite takes place. 92

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