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23 In what way is the presence of Christ in the Eucharist: SACRAMENTAL? Since it is fulfilled under the Eucharistic forms of bread and wine (transubstantiation). The appearances of the bread and wine indicate where the Body and Blood of Christ are present. They are signs of a mysterious reality that is present in them. COMMUNION? Because it nourishes the communion of love with Christ, and among us. ECCLESIAL? Because it springs from and works inside the assembly of the baptised faithful. EUCHARISTIC? Because it is part of the celebration of the Holy Mass and forms a unity with the other ways by which Christ is present. ESCHATOLOGICAL, THAT IS RELATING TO THE FINAL THINGS? Because Christ who is present and at work is the one who is Risen, and he will return at the end of time, when there will be “new heavens” and a “new earth” (2 Pt 3,13). Then God will be “all in all” (1 Cor 15,28). The Eucharist attests to this and anticipates this future reality. 102

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