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37 What is spiritual Communion? Spiritual Communion consists in expressing one’s desire to receive the Body and Blood of Christ with faith and devotion when it is not actually possible to receive it. It is based on the privileges that have been granted to us at our Baptism, and it is the only form of Communion that many persons may in fact make because they are unable to fulfill an objective or subjective condition of receiving Sacramental Holy Communion. For example, Spiritual Communion is something that elderly persons or persons suffering from an illness who show their love for the Eucharist may do so. They participate in the communion of saints and this brings great spiritual blessings both for themselves and for the Church, which is enriched through their sufferings that they offer up to God. In this way they make up for what is lacking in the Body of Christ, the Church (see also Col 1,24) and they also proclaim the “Gospel of suffering”, that the Master bequeathed to his disciples with his own sacrifice, for which the Eucharist is the memorial. 116

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