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18 Purification The Eucharistic Prayer (also call the anafora), contains the words of the consecration and forms the heart and the high point of the Eucharistic Celebration. Lord, wash away 59 What are the elements that make up my iniquity, the Eucharistic Prayer (or Anafora)? cleanse me from my sin The Eucharistic Prayer is composed of: The preface, with which the Church gives thanks to the Father, through Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit for all his works, for creation, redemption and sanctification. In this way, the whole community is united in an unending prayer of praise with the heavenly Church, with the angels and all the Saints who sing to God who is thrice (three times) Holy. The Epiclesis, with which the Church prays to the Father asking him to send his Holy Spirit on the bread and wine so that it may, through the power of the Holy Spirit, become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and so that all who participate in the Eucharist may become one body and one spirit. The narrative of the institution of the Eucharist by Christ: the efficacy of the words and actions of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit make the Body and Blood of Christ sacramentally present under the form of bread and wine. This is the sacrifice he offered on the Cross once and for all. This re-telling of the institution narrative guarantees the perennial continuity of the Eucharist: from Christ to the Apostles and to their successors and those who act with them, the Bishops and priests, in the name of the Lord in a hierarchy of ministries. The anamnesis, is the Church’s memorial of the Passion, Resurrection and glorious coming of Jesus Christ, and presents the offering of His Son, the one who reconciles us to the Father. 172

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