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There are some differences: The way in which the offering is made: • Bloody (that is with the real outpouring of blood and the physical presence of Christ) on the Cross. • Bloodless (without the outpouring of blood and with the sacramental presence — under the form of bread and wine — of Christ) during the Holy Mass. The number of times it takes place: while the Sacrifice of Christ on Calvary took place just once (it was a unique, definitive and unrepeatable event), the Holy Mass takes place many times. The place: while the Sacrifice of Christ took place on Calvary, the Holy Mass takes place in every part of the world. When: Christ’s Paschal Mystery took place two thousands years ago, and the Holy Mass is celebrated every day until the end of time. The number of those who participated: when it took place on the Cross, there were only a few persons present. When the Holy Mass is celebrated everyone is invited to participate, irrespective of race, place of birth, age or culture. 15 How is Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross made present during the Holy Mass? Christ’s sacrifice, as a bloody sacrifice, was made once and for all, as a pure victim, to the Father on Calvary for the salvation of all men and women. This sacrifice is made present and efficacious on the altar, in a sacramental way, under the Eucharistic species (see question and answer n. 18). 87

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