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3 THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST 58 What are the parts that make up the Liturgy of the Eucharist? The Liturgy of the Eucharist is made up of: The presentation of the bread and wine (Offertory), that are offered to God focus our attention on the bread and wine that will become the Body and Blood of the Lord. Prominence is given to these gifts before any others that are used in the celebration or collected for the purpose of charity. For this reason the altar is prepared for these gifts that are then brought to the altar to be offered. The gifts remind us that the Eucharist is a great gift of love which inspires us to show charity towards the poor and those who are most in need. For this reason we can see the importance of collecting other offerings at this time which will then be used to help the poor and to support the Church in all its different work. The presentation of the bread and wine symbolize our lives that are offered together with Christ as an offering which is pleasing to Him. It also expresses our sufferings and our pledge to live like Christ. 13 Offertory 168

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