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Sears Wolf Web Example

The Seer's Wolf4 Only once had Clover been inside Lowan Tallow’s house—she’d gone there with her father on some matter about the boundary fence. Lowan had made tea in an enormous brown teapot. He’d offered a packet of stale biscuits a local housewife had needed to dispose of. The biscuit had melted easily with a mouthful of tea and left an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Clover watched Lowan working his tongue around the side of his mouth where his biscuit had surely lodged between his teeth. He pushed his cheek right out to make a big rosy plum. Then he said it was time to do the rounds for the pigswill. Every day save Sunday he collected pigswill from various lady members of the Loam Garden Club of which he was a member—the only male member. (As he told this he swelled with pride.) The swill was carried in buckets on the handlebars of his pushbike. Leaving Mr Tallow’s farmhouse, Clover spotted several wooden cages on the grass under a tree, and asked if she could stop to look at the pets. One cage housed a magpie that was sometimes let out onto the grass, ‘but it always hops back into its cage,’ Lowan said. Clover thought it remarkable that it didn’t fly away. It must have been very well trained. Not far from the magpie cage was a hutch with four brown rabbits and one black one. Clover hadn’t seen a black rabbit before. It was a handsome creature. In another cage lived Mr Tallow’s beloved possum—Priscilla Possum—she had shiny brown fur and eyes that seemed to glow. And now Priscilla was missing. Φ Suddenly Clover Fairnie was woken from sleep. What was that? Strange sounds were coming through the bedroom wall. Something was out on the verandah pacing and clawing the floorboards. Was it the werewolf—or was it an escaped lion? But worse—what if it broke in? Clover shivered with fear. When she was very small she’d seen lions at Wellington Zoo, they were so frightening. Sometimes she’d had nightmares about lions.

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