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Sears Wolf Web Example

The Seer's Wolf14 roadside, that the animal was always within view of the sod house—and never far from the line of huge macrocarpas that grew beyond the gorse in the Fairnies’ paddock. ‘Ah! Giddy Goat—an outsider,’ Ralph said. Now, from his bent position he peered up into Satina’s face. ‘Perhaps it would like a pat?’ ‘Yes I think it would,’ Satina said. ‘Then let’s go and give it one,’ he said, putting down the spanner. ‘Three’s a crowd!’ she said. He laughed. ‘The old Scottish woman who lives on the corner has weird ideas about this goat,’ said Ralph. ‘She’s crazy of course.’ ‘Oh!’ said Satina. ‘Tell me.’ ‘Its horn grows at a rate scarcely to be reckoned with. That’s what she says.’ ‘I hadn’t noticed,’ said Satina. ‘Grows till it reaches a certain length then recedes only to grow back again. She makes it her business to keep an eye on it. I might be Scottish, she tells me, but I say that goat is a hybrid unicorn.’ Satina laughed. ‘Flippin’ heck!’ ‘She says someone is secretly sawing away its horn and grinding it into powder,’ continued Ralph. ‘It’s not you, is it Arkie?’ ‘And for what purpose?’ Satina said with mock solemnity. ‘Listen to this,’ said Ralph. ‘She says all hell will break loose if that goat ever breaks free of its chain. A free unicorn is a very dangerous beast, nothing can tame it...’ Ralph and Satina rocked with laughter. ‘So you like the goat!’ he said, recovering. ‘And you’ve got the right view. Upstairs we can see the Alps—we’ll go to the Alps some time. It needs planning. In the meantime there are good walks around here.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘But right now we’d better go inside and help with the unpacking.’ ‘But you are glad Ralph, I mean, it was worth it, wasn’t it?’ ‘Coming here?’he said. ‘Yes, every bit.’ Shedartedofftopickgrassgrowingoutofreachofthegoat.‘Here,Giddy.’ Ralph watched as she held out an armful; the goat scoffed it down.

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