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Sears Wolf Web Example

Chapter One As Clover Fairnie lay awake a vision came: a large wild dog stood scratching and scraping the bare floorboards of the verandah through the wall of her bedroom. Soon it began to whimper as though in need, but there was no sound, only the feel of a whimper. The vision withdrew. The strongest of Clover’s visions always behaved like that, coming and going outside time’s measurement, starting from a dot of colour, moving swiftly closer to become match box sized at reading distance and showing the tiniest detail, and then, just when she realised its significance, retracting, passing back to a dot and beyond into the nothingness box of the universe, where, she believed it sat curled up. But everything leading up to the vision had been quite ordinary. She’d climbed out of bed to look through the window. It was moonlight. In the paddocks the horses stood high in their sleep, the sheep slept in crowded greyish clumps in the corner near the cabbage trees. From the macrocarpa tree, an owl hooted. Clover closed the blind and hopped back into bed. Φ

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