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Sears Wolf Web Example

The Seer's Wolf16 playing with Goldie and when I was quite young, I had my imaginary friends. Run, Goldie, run, I’d call to my dog. And as I watched the wild animals hunting and playing with their young, sometimes I’d pretend to be a dog myself, lowering my body into the grass, moving along like that as I watched for prey.’ ‘You stalked and hunted. Flippin’ heck it sounds such fun.’ ‘It was! As I got older I increased the distances, stayed out longer. But I always left a leaf on the table to let Grandad know I’d come home.’ ‘Wish we could turn the clock back,’ Satina said, ‘and wish I could have roamed the moors like that.’ That’s what his Arkie had said that day, while the lunch stayed untouched, and he’d continued to sit on the side of her bed as she reclined there with her leg propped up, the bandaged foot resting on a pillow. Wish I could have roamed like that... When she said that he leaned towards her and touched the dimple on her cheek. ‘I do love your little dimple Arkie,’ he said, putting his arm around her. ‘Arkie, you are my kith—my kith.’ He’d sat there for some time preoccupied with his thoughts. Then, looking across the room he saw that the window had darkened, the light eclipsed with fog. In a few weeks he and the family would be at sea. The trip to New Zealand would act as a catalyst for a new life, and at the Equator—they’d be crossing it—that would be a symbolic drawing of the line. Now the sudden bleat of the goat brought him back to the present. ‘What—another lot of grass! Don’t you think it’s had enough?’ said Ralph. ‘Giddy is young and has a good appetite, and look, playful as a puppy.’ Satina tweaked the goat’s ear, and it nuzzled her. ‘We’d better go inside and help Irena with the unpacking.’ Φ It had been Ralph’s idea to emigrate. But he wouldn’t have gone ahead with it unless Arkie agreed to go—he’d approached her, before putting it to the wife. He wouldn’t uproot everything at Ripon for nothing. And

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