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Cathedral Restoration Project Appointments Brochure - Mar 4 2015

17 1817 Saint Anthony of Padua, Doctor of the Church, is the patron saint of lost articles. St. Anthony of Padua also grants courage to deal with crisis great or small. He fosters trusting love, forgiveness and concern for the needs of others. The first statue of St. Anthony was donated by new Italian immigrants to Toronto in 1954. The new ivory and gold statue will have a relic of St. Anthony placed in its pedestal. Nave Statuary Saint Theresa of the Child of Jesus, Doctor of the Church, is one of the most popular saints of the twentieth century because of her example of achieving sanctity, not through undertaking great deeds, but through personal devotion and dedication. The new ivory and gold statue will have a relic of St. Theresa placed in its pedestal. There has always been a statue of St. Jude in the Cathedral. He is an Apostle and relative of St. James and Our Saviour. He is also the patron saint of desperate cases and remains one of the most popular devotions in the Church. The new bronze statue of St. Jude will have a relic in the pedestal. The south transept was dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by our first Bishop Michael Power. The new statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be in bronze. The north transept was dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by our first Bishop Michael Power. The new statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will be in bronze. Husband of Mary, protector of the Child Jesus, the new statue will be made of bronze. Saint Augustine is the patron saint of St. Augustine’s seminary located in Scarborough. Most of the priests in the Archdiocese were trained at St. Augustine’s and this statue is a reminder of their dedication. St. Augustine is one of the most important Church Fathers of Western Christianity as well as the preeminent Doctor of the Church. Saint Ambrose, Teacher of St. Augustine and Father and Doctor of the Church, is revered as the perfect model of a Christian bishop. He is also credited for promoting antiphonal chant – a style of praying in choir. Saint Anselm is Doctor of the Church, and a major influence on western theology. He is famous for his ontological argument for the existence of God. He is also known for his active work as a pastor and stalwart champion of the Church. His courageous stand for Church freedom in times of crisis has far- reaching effects long after his own time. Saint Patrick is known as the Apostle of Ireland. The Irish immigrants who came to Toronto to help build St. Michael’s Cathedral expressed a great devotion to St. Patrick. This statue is placed in the sanctuary in remembrance of them. Saint John Paul II, Pope, is one of the most beloved Popes of modern times. He showed great love and pastoral care for God people especially the youth. He was keenly aware that modern culture did not have a place for mercy and so he became a great spokesman for the divine mercy of Our Saviour. Saint John XXIII, Pope, was a humble and gentle soul who was loved by the people and known as the good Pope. He became a father figure for the world, not only for his care of the poor, but for his reform of the Church through the work of the Second Vatican Council. Saint Michael is the patron saint of the Archdiocese of Toronto and St. Michael’s Cathedral; especially honoured and invoked as a protector against the powers of evil. St. Michael is the Patron Saint of police, paratroopers and firefighters. Saint Gabriel serves as a messenger sent from God to certain people such as Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, John the Baptist and others. St. Gabriel is the Patron Saint of communication and everyday workers. Saint Raphael services as a healer of God sent to help people suffering from illness. The Saint’s name means God heals. St. Raphael is the Patron Saint of the blind, nurses and doctors. St. TheresaSt. Anthony St. Jude St. Joseph Sacred Heart of Jesus Immaculate Heart of Mary Saint Augustine Saint Ambrose Saint Pope John Paul II Saint Pope John Paul XXIII Saint Michael Archangel Saint Anselm Saint Patrick Saint Raphael Archangel Saint Gabriel Archangel 171817

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