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Reproduced by Australian Atatürk Cultural Centre Inc. 21 While organising the world order in keeping with its doctrines, the Sharia also imposes as indisputable facts its own absolute convictions concerning nature and the universe. Fascist and Nazi movements also offer their own interpretations of creation and history, banning debates which tend to conflict with their views. The same feature is also evident in Communism. Even if they clash violently with each other concerning the course to be followed in order to attain their goals, different Communist orders hold inviolate the oneness of the economic god whose prophet Karl Marx is. When they stake their lives for the glory of the economic god, confirmed believers of the Marxist faith become at least as reckless and merciless as the fanatical religious believers of the past. It is obvious that for some people in our time Communism has become a new form of mysticism, replacing established religion. People have also drawn attention to the existence within the Nazi movement of a type of primitive religion bordering on paganism. With students at İstanbul University The rational and scientific way of thinking as expounded by secularism, on the other hand, has nothing to do with fanaticism. Scientific curiosity is comprehensive. Leaving aside the fear of meddling with the affairs of God and his prophets, science seeks out the truth in every subject and eventually even directs its arrows of criticism at its own methods of research. Persons engaged in scientific research are never rigid, fanatical or in a state of ecstasy, but always enquiring, meticulous and reluctant to make quick judgments.

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