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Reproduced by Australian Atatürk Cultural Centre Inc. 13 In a republic, the parliament elected by the nation has the last word. It makes the laws on behalf of the nation. The parliament may indicate its confidence in the government or may bring it down. If the people are not satisfied with their representatives, they may elect others (...). In a republic, the parliament, the president and the government can only think of and work for the freedom, security and comfort of the people. This is because they are aware that the nation is the holder of the will and the sovereignty, which have brought them to power for a defined period. They are also aware that they have been brought to power not to exult in their authority but to serve the nation. In the event that they serve the nation badly or abuse their powers, sooner or later they are liable to be confronted by the people. There is an obligation on those who have been empowered by the nation to run the country on behalf of the nation to give, when required to do so, an account of their actions. This does away with irresponsible and arbitrary behaviour.25 Communism Bolshevism has concern only for those who are from a deprived class.26 Since the interests of people of different occupations are correlated, it is not possible to divide them into classes. They are simply people in general.27 Of course, as a result of their inborn similarities people live together. But people living together most certainly need to be governed.28 In order to ensure equality between individuals, the government must be equipped with power, authority and competence. Equality is not spoiled by the fact that politicians and civil servants exercise their authority by issuing instructions.29 Out of the whole Russian nation, a minority composed of workers and naval and land forces formed a dictatorship by coming together under the so-called Communist Party, which is based on an economic rationale. These people are not nationalistic in their goals. They do not recognise the rights of the individual, nor do they respect equality. They do not observe national sovereignty. In internal affairs, they use coercion to make the majority obey their own dictates. In foreign affairs they employ propaganda and revolutionary organisations to propagate their principles amongst the nations of the world. The fact is that the primary objective in founding a government should be to ensure the freedom of the individual. Characteristics of an oppressive regime are apparent in the Bolshevik way of governing. Forcing the majority to live as helpless prisoners subject to the views of an exclusive minority cannot be looked upon as a natural or logical form of government.30 Economy National sovereignty and economic sovereignty are together cardinal principles of true independence.31 The state must be concerned with the education of its citizens and with public health. For purposes of maintaining law and order and national defence, the state should take a close interest in the provision of roads, railways, telegraph and telephone services,

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