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9 Who, being duly Sworn and Examined, Saith that for sometime past the House of James Haltridge, of Island Magee aforesaid, hath been haunted with Evil Spirits (as he is credibly Informed), and that Mary Dunbar, being now in the Said house, is in great Disorder, and very much tormented both day and night by Witches; And by the description the said Mary Dunbar gave this Ex[aminant]- and others of the Witches, they did verily believe that Jannet Liston and Eliz[abeth]. Cellar were persons Guilty of the Same, upon which, on Friday Last, they Sent for the Said persons, and when the said Jannet Liston and Eliz. Cellar came into the Roome where the Said Mary Dunbar was. Shee the Said Mary fell into a violent fitt of Pains, and Said that as Soon as she Saw them she was Stung to the heart, and declared that the Said Jannet and Elizabeth were Devils, and continually with Several other women about her bed troubling her, and further Saith that there were a great many more of other women present when the Said Mary Challenged the Said Jannet and Elizabeth, whom she never Saw in her Lifetime before her trouble aforesaid.’ (p.161) ‘The Examination of Mary Dunbar, taken 12th March, 1710, Who, being duly Sworn and Examined, Saith that during these Severall weeks she has been in a most grievous and violent manner tormented and afflicted with Witches; that Several whom she never had known, or to her knowledge seen before, did frequently appear to her (tho' invisible to her keepers and attenders), who make her fall very often into fainting and tormenting fitts, take the Power of Tongue from her, and afflicts her to that Degree that she often thinks she is pierced to the heart, and that her breasts are cut off; that she heard the Said women (when about her) name one another, and that called one Jannet Listen, another Eliz. Cellor, another Kate McCamont, another Jannet Carson, another Jannet Mean, another Latimore, and another Mrs. Anne, and the Said Jannet Liston, Eliz. Cellar, Kate McCamont, and Jannet Carson being brought to her, att their first appearance she knew them to be four of her Tormentors, and that after they were taken into Custody the aforesaid Latimore and Mean did very much Torment her, especially when Mr. Sinclare, the Dissenting Minister,11 was praying with and for her, and told her they would hinder her of hearing his prayers; but if she would do as they would have her, she soon would be well, and that Jannet Latimore and Jannet Mean being brought to her, she likewise knew them to be other two of her Tormentors, and that since the confinement of the said Jannet Liston, Eliz. Cellar, Kate McCamont, Jannet Carson, Jannet Mean, and Jannet Latimor, none of them has troubled her, neither has been so 11 Rev. Robert Sinclair was Presbyterian minister of Islandmagee, Co. Antrim.

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