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68 devour me so I saw I need not go on to contend if I would not learn submission as to the child’s life. Whereupon, I looked up to God and begged he would rebuke Satan and allow me to go and pray for the child’s eternal salvation and I would not anymore beg his life. No sooner had I done this I went out with a holy boldness and had not the least trouble from Satan any more at that time. The curative power of holy-wells [Back to Contents] O/S Memoirs, Parishes of County Fermanagh I, vol. 4, Parish of Enniskillen, Lt. Chaytor, Oct. 1834. (p. 71) ‘In the townland of Carrickmacmea in Lord Belmore’s demesne there were formerly 3 holy wells, much celebrated for their miraculous cures, called as follows: Tubber-na-suil or “well for the eyes”, Tubberfaris or “Fergus’s well” and Tubberphadrig or “Patrick’s well”. They have not been used lately as station wells, and consequently no care taken of them. The ground being marshy only two of them can be traced. The other (Tubberfaris) has totally disappeared, but its situation is pointed out not far distant from the other two. Tubber-na-suil is not easily found; Tubberphadrig is quite perfect, but dry in summer and has a small heap of stones placed near it. The inhabitants state the about 40 years ago the wells were held in the highest reputation and visited by numbers afflicted with various diseases. The cures said to have been obtained by them are miraculous in the extreme. Individuals lame for years have there thrown away their crutches and recovered their strength. A man now living within a mile of the well states that his sister (through an affection of the smallpox) lost the sight of an eye, and that by advice a few years afterwards she had recourse to Tubber-na-suil. By using the water and performing the necessary stations she recovered the sight of the eye as perfectly as before! This he says he is ready and willing to attest upon oath. Such is the superstitious simplicity of the peasantry that these and innumerable such stories are believed as truths, though they are now discountenanced by the clergy of every denomination.’ Curative power of “elf-shot” [Back to Contents] O/S Memoirs, Parishes of County Londonderry XI, vol. 31,Parish of Lissan, J. Stokes, 1836. (p. 93) ‘The ancient arrowheads of flint so frequently found are also much regarded for their supposed virtues in the cure of cattle. The following is the recipe: all the arrowheads that can

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