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47 The End So now you've read everything I have to say. You know how to stay out of trouble, communicate with your doctors, treat other patients the way they should be treated, and use your hospital time in the most productive way possible. Everything I've conveyed in this booklet comes from my personal experience. Use these tools as I did and I hope they help you as much as they did me. Remember, a mental hospital is not a bad place to be. You get to sleep as much as you want, eat pretty well, and make friends you wouldn't otherwise have made. As in every part of life, you are just being asked to do your job. Stick to the straight and narrow, thank those who helped you, and continue taking your prescribed meds after you leave. The world can use more people that have beaten this illness. We need role models that are willing to stand up and declare that bipolar disorder is a beatable disease. For too many years it has gotten a bad rap for killing people, destroying families and relationships, and knocking folks out of the game of life. Be a winner! Be somebody that other folks can look up to! During my life I've read a lot of quotes, but in my opinion only one perfectly sizes up the formula for achieving success in life: "Never, never, never give up!" - Winston Churchill.

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