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3 know what’s going on. The #1 rule to being bipolar is NOT KEEPING THINGS IN! Let everything out. And don’t spare a single feeling. Let everybody know everything. Even if you’re a secretive person, learn to share. Sharing your feelings is the most important lesson to successfully living with bipolar disorder. You will be using this technique for your entire life, so you might as well practice it now. Relax! Don’t do stressful activities. Put everything on hold. Let go of the world for the next week or two. Give yourself some time to come down from everything you’ve just been through. Being in the hospital or going through several doctor’s visits is extremely hard for ANYBODY. Don’t bother stressing yourself out with extra duties. Take a break and get back to work after you have recovered. Have some fun! Don’t take this to mean go out and get liquored up. At this point in your life the one thing you don’t need is drugs and/or alcohol. Not only can they interfere with your medications, but also folks with bipolar disorder can experience a TRUE loss of control when they are high/drunk. When I say, “Have fun!” I mean that you should do things you like to do. Whether it’s fishing, playing ball, traveling, whatever.... just do it! Like Nike says. Go out and have some fun! With the new adjustments in your life, you’re going to have to offset them with an additional amount of recreation. Odds are that some of your medications will create some unpleasant side effects. The more time you spend doing things you enjoy, the less brainpower you’ll waste focusing on your new situation.

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