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33 Meeting Time In mental health facilities there is usually a morning meeting where all the patients, their attendants, and possibly some other staff meet to discuss everyone's progress. As with just about every other aspect of life, the hospital expects you to perform as a patient. You set personal goals, you do follow-ups, and your behavior is critiqued just as if you were an employee at a job. If you do not meet the expectations that have been set, the negative consequences are quite simple — your stay lasts longer. During my five hospitalizations, I have seen patients treat meeting time and their personal goals in very different ways. Some patients took the meetings seriously which helped them get discharged in a few days while others had to wait. That resistant behavior probably contributed to their lengthy stays. Now, if you are an adult, and all of the expense that goes into a hospitalization is on YOUR shoulders, make that an incentive to get discharged as soon as possible. If you are a kid, odds are that you will not be the one picking up the check. But it is always good to keep in mind that each hospital day runs about $2,000 to $3,000 dollars. Now, God-willing, you have insurance of some sort and you won't be paying all of this yourself, but it is still a good incentive to take things seriously. Besides, policies have limits on how may hospitalization days a person can have in a twelve month period. It makes sense to use them wisely! During meeting time make sure to pay attention, take things seriously, and also be supportive of other patients. If you typically have trouble respecting other people, now is the time to work on that skill. Everybody is equal in the hospital and should get treated like the important human beings that they are. So, don't disparage anyone and don't get in any fights. Remember, the less conflict the better. There will always be some patients who act out, but make sure you are not one of them!

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