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HOW HAS SAME GENDER LOVING DEFINEDYOUR RELATIONSHIP? We don’t know that same gender loving has defined our relationship. We would venture to say that we are defining it...we are the definition of same gender loving. HOW DOYOU MAINTAIN A STRONG AND CONTINUOUS RELATIONSHIP AFTER IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES? We believe in the adage“agree to disagree”. Being able to respect the other’s viewpoint, while maintaining your own is the strength. Having that level of common respect and understanding helps the relationship to continue and grow. There will always be differences; it’s how you deal with the differences that make the difference. HOW HAS RELIGION MADEYOUR RELATIONSHIP A SUCCESS EVEN IF IT HAS IT’S CONFLICT? Having a spiritual connection with each other has been very nstrumental in our relationship growth. From a religion stand-pointwe have not always seen eye-to-eye. However, there has always been mutual respect for the other’s belief. Religion is just the doctrine. Spirituality is the essence and soul. The essence and the soul is where we connect. INYOUR MODERN FAMILY HOW DOESTHE RESPONSIBILITY OF BEING A FATHER PLAY A ROLE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP? We don’t play the role of father to each other in our relationship. Nicholas and I both grew up with our Fathers in our household and active members in the household. We don’t have a need to play that role with one another. While our individual relationship with our Fathers may differ, we are clear on who our Father’s are and their influence on us individually. WHAT ISTHE MOST IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTEYOUR PARTNER BRINGS TOTHE RELATIONSHIP? Nicholas’most important attribute to our relationship is creativity. Dex’s most important attribute to our relationship is stability. WHATWERE SOME OFTHE BIGGEST INITIAL CHALLENGESYOU FACED IN BRINGINGYOUR FINANCIAL LIVES TOGETHER? We didn’t have any challenges. Trust had been established before doing so. Additionally, having a business together made it easy. HOW DOYOU INCORPORATEYOUR INDIVIDUAL GOALSWITH A WORKING RELATIONSHIP? Our independent goal achievements and successes are important to one another. We have on-going conversations about our individual and development plans to achieve them. What we realized is that the individual goal achievements carry-over to the relationship success. DOYOU BELIEVETHAT RELATIONSHIP COUNSELING IS ESSENTIAL PRIOR AND AFTERTO A PARTNERSHIP COMMITMENT? We don’t believe that it is “essential”at any point. How can your relationship influence other that committed relationship work. By continuing to be an example and showing that there is strength in working through issues and staying together. LoveWorks! 17 AGREE TO DISAGREE URBANSOCIALITES.COM

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