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HOCAK KIJIRE NAGU COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION MAY 2011 10 718 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 Tel: (407) 423-5355 Summary of Vision Statements offered by the Local Planning Team: We will motivate people to do well by offering the opportunity to do things that are traditional, healthy, and that support the needs of the Hocak Village. We will provide a safe place and a full circle of care to support members to do their best at life and at being self-sufficient; Village, Clan and Kinship traditions need to be considered, then honored and reinforced. These Hocak traditions will encourage us to be alcohol free, no drugs, spiritually, physically and mentally healthy. We will follow the red and white world and create a better place for our children and future generations. We will have both feet in both worlds. We will become a “Healed Nation” that is a model for other Nations to follow; We will be Hocak again, the People of the Big Voice, the Sacred Voice and language will guide our way of life; We will continue to pray and grow spiritually while we retain traditional values and beliefs as we relearn to walk in a sacred way; We are resilient while healing, we will reduce substance abuse and related fatalities, and we will work ourselves out of jobs The vision statements developed by the LPT describes a future where community support, individual accountability, rehabilitation and spirituality, and learning and embracing traditional Hocak values are the keys to success. In developing the concept of a healing village, the LPT considered the need for a flexible and all inclusive program and facility that would provide constant exposure to Hocak culture. Based on these considerations, the LPT offered direction to shape the Kijire Nagu Healing Village Mission Statement, as follows: “Kijire Nagu offers a nurturing pathway to help people in overcoming their trauma and addictions, by supporting emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health, utilizing Native American traditions and beliefs along with individualized interventions.”

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