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RED VZLA Urgent Request to the OTP-3

REDACTED Page 31 of 190 It has been reported that the repression of the protests has resulted in between 85479 and 870 injured people80 between February and April 201481 of which 138 were wounded by gunshot, 330 by pellets, 72 people by being beaten up, 34 people were injured by blunt objects and the remaining 280 wounded suffered injuries of various kinds.82 300 of the wounded were police officers. An example of the brutal repression during this period is the case of protester Gengis Pinto: on 19 February 2014, despite the fact that he had been detained and was offering no resistance, a member of the National Guard fired pellets at his face in San Antonio de Los Altos, Miranda State. They continued to beat and threaten him while questioning him, and he was refused him medical assistance for several hours.83 The UN Committee against Torture has expressed concern about reports that establish that 437 people were attacked and/or kidnapped and subjected to short-term arbitrary detentions by pro-government armed paramilitaries while demonstrators were gathered between February and April 2014.84 Incidents such as the following took place during this period. On 22 March 2014 in San Jacinto, Maracay, the police operated with pro-government armed paramilitaries to arrest and injure many civilians, including Jaime Yéspica.85 In San Antonio, Mérida State, Luis Alberto Gutiérrez Prieto, Gengis Pinto, Joaquin Sumalla Chacín, Andrés Bonilla, Steven Guía Espinoza were arrested and subjected to torture and other protestas en Venezuela. Ultima Hora. Available from: muerte-medio-las-protestas-venezuela-n777474.html [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 79 PROVEA. (2014) Venezuela 2014: Protestas y Derechos Humanos; AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2015) Venezuela: Balance de derechos humanos tras un año de las protestas. 80 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2014) Venezuela: informe para el comité contra la tortura de las naciones unidas. 53A session (3-28 november 2014); AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2015) Venezuela: Balance de derechos humanos tras un año de las protestas. 81 PROVEA. (2014) Venezuela 2014: Protestas y Derechos Humanos 82 PROVEA. (2014) Venezuela 2014: Protestas y Derechos Humanos 83 HRW. (2015) Venezuela: New Military Authority to Curb Protests. Human Rights Watch. [Online] 12 February. Available from: curb-protests [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 84 UN. (2014) Convención contra la Tortura y Otros Tratos o Penas Crueles, Inhumanos o Degradantes. United Nations. [Online] 12 December. Available from: EN%2fCO%2f3-4&Lang=en [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 85 In this video you can see how the pro government armed paramilitaries hurts Jaime with the acquiescence of the local police ELSELVATICO. (2014) Brutal golpiza a estudiante Jaime Yespica en Aragua 19-03-2014. Youtube. [Online Video] 19 March. Available from: [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; Also see: ELSELVATICO. (2014) Testimonio de Jaime Yespica (Estudiante de la UCV agredido en San Jacinto, Maracay). Youtube. [Online] 22 March. Available from: [Accessed 22 October, 2015] blunt objects and the remaining 280 wounded suffered injuries of various kinds.82300 of

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