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REDACTED Page 182 of 190 arrest, he was transferred to Caracas and charged by Prosecutors María Maffia and Luís Cadiz with inappropriately revealing personal information and computer espionage.809 On October 6, 2014 Últimas Noticias group dismissed cartoonist Roberto Weil, a contributor to Dominical, Últimas Noticias’ Sunday supplement, because one of his cartoons had allegedly annoyed members of the governing party. The cartoon was originally published but later withdrawn from the publication and pictured the funeral of a rat, which was interpreted by GoV officials as alluding to the murder of Robert Serra.810 Before his dismissal, Weil had been verbally attacked on social media by government officials and other individuals, including the governor of Aragua, state Tareck El Aissami, who called him “trash” and “fascist”, among many other insults.811 On 17 September 2014, the cartoonist Rayma Suprani was dismissed by the newspaper El Universal for allegedly publishing a cartoon illustrating the state of the country’s health sector. Suprani, who worked at the newspaper for 19 years, announced the news via her Twitter account.812 The newspaper's journalists reportedly issued a communication in which they stated their decision to defend “the avenues for keeping the country informed, despite the growing restrictions and censorship.” On 3 August 2014, the cartoonist had complained that she had been a victim of censorship by the newspaper El Universal after the cartoon that she had drawn for that day's edition was not published. In its 2014 annual report, the Office of the Special Rapporteur of the ICHR recorded reports of death threats, insults, and denigrating remarks leveled at Suprani. It also took note of an announced lawsuit against the cartoonist by a government official.813 808 ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) Video | Cabello confirmó las detenciones de Víctor Ugas y la "negra Hipólita.” Ultimas Noticias. [Online] 17 October. Available from: detenciones-de-victor.aspx [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 809 INFO VZLA. (2015) Ejuiarán a Victor Ugas por los cargos de revelación indebida de data y espionage informático. Info Vzla. [Online] 19 March. Available from: a-victor-ugas-por-los-cargos-de-revelacion-indebida-de-data-y-espionaje-informatico/ [Accessed 27 October, 2015]; ANTOLINEZ, H. (2015) Liberan a Víctor Ugas, tuitero que publicó fotos del cadáver de Robert Serra. Contrapunto. [Online] 9 July. Available from: a-victor-ugas-tuitero-que-publico-fotos-del-cuerpo-de-robert-serra/ [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 810 LA PATILLA. (2014) Despiden a Weil del Grupo Ultimas Noticias tras confusión con caricatura. La Patilla. [Online] 6 October. Available from: weil-del-grupo-ultimas-noticias-tras-confusion-con-caricatura/ [Accessed 27 October, 2015]; ANALÍTICA. (2014) Despedido caricaturista Weil de Últimas Noticias. Analítica. [Online] 6 October. Available from: de-ultimas-noticias/ [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 811 EL PROPRIO. (2014) Tareck el Assami llamó “miserable hijo de P…” al caricaturista Weil. El Proprio. [Online] 5 October. Available from: caricaturista-Weil_0_604739545.html [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 812 Twitter account @raymacaricatura September 17, 2014 – 5:04 p.m. “Hoy se me notifica mi despido de el Universal por esta caricatura y por mi postura incómoda ante la denuncia gráfica”. 813 IACHR. (2014) Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression. IACHR. [Online] 22 September. Available from:

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