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REDACTED Page 121 of 190 Furthermore, even the presence of individuals who are taking part in hostilities within a crowd does not affect the status of the civilians nor justify the indiscriminate targeting of civilians on the basis of military necessity or other purposes.499 viii)Other cases of murder in 2014 The indiscriminate nature of the attacks can be gathered not only from video footages of the incidents but also from the number of casualties, the profile of the victims and their testimonies as to what they were doing when they were attacked. A murder instance that is illustrative of this fact is the case of Daniel Tinoco, who died after being shot in the chest by pro-government armed groups on motorbikes at 10:30pm, while he was peacefully gathering with other students on 10 March 2014 in San Cristóbal, Táchira.500 Two demonstrators who were with Tinoco were also shot and wounded.501 Moreover, in Valencia, Isabelica sector, on 12 March 2014, certain members of pro government armed paramilitaries on motorbikes fired against demonstrators and killed Jesús Enrique Acosta, who was shot in the head, and Guillermo Alfonso Sánchez Velásquez.502 They also injured at least eight other persons.503 On 22 March 2014, at least three more persons were killed in different parts of the country, further proving the existence of a coordinated repression plan executed by the 499 ICC. Prosecutor v Fofana and Kondewa. Appeal Judgment. 28 May, 2008. para. 247. 500 ARRÁIZ, L.E. (2014) Muere estudiante en Táchira tras recibir disparo en el pecho. El Universal. [Online] 10 March. Available from: venezuela/140310/muere-estudiante-en-tachira-tras-recibir-disparo-en-el-pecho [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2014) Venezuela: Human Rights at Risk Amid Protests 501 PROVEA. (2014) Venezuela 2014: Protestas y Derechos Humanos 502 RODRÍGUEZ, G. (2014) Asesinado un universitario durante protesta en La Isabelica. Ultimas Noticias. [Online] 12 March. Available from: protesta-en-la-.aspx [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; EL UNIVERSAL. (2015) En Valencia reportan tres fallecidos por arma de fuego. El Universal. [Online] 12 March. Available from: tres-fallecidos-por-arma-de-fuego [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; CIFRAS ONLINE COMVE. (2014) Ultima Hora: Asesinado Estudia Jesús Enrique Acosta (24) de un Trio en la Cabeza en Valencia. Cifras Online Comve. [Online] 12 March. Available from: enrique-acosta-24-de-un-tiro-en-la-cabeza-en-valencia/ [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; RODRÍGUEZ, G. (2014) Con balas de cazar animales mataron a Guillermo Sánchez. Ultimas Noticias. [Online] 13 March. Available from: cazar-animales-mataron-a-guillermo-sa.aspx [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 503 REPORTE CONFIDENTIAL. (2014) Estudiante, Adulto y niña (6) asesinados en La Isabelica en manifestaciones; NOTITARDE. (2014) Tres muertos y quince heridos en disturbios en La Isabelica y Mañongo. Notitarde. [Online] 12 March. Available from: Isabelica/2014/03/12/313471 [Accessed 25 October, 2015]

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